My name is Mildred Shears. I'm retired and I live in the Minnesota Northwoods with my husband Cheap Gabriel Jersey , George, our German Shorthair, Bodhi, and our senior citizen cat, Cinnamon.
A Sudden Transition from Health to Helplessness
On a hot summer day in 1983, I had a very sudden attack of extreme dizziness. For the next two years Cheap Franck Kessie Jersey , I was in bed or a wheel chair and could only walk with assistance. Doctors had nothing to help me. I took a lot of supplements and tried many forms of alternative healing.
19 Years of Daily Adjustment to Unpredictable Health
I gradually got so I could walk again, but I continued to suffer from extreme fatigue and heat sensitivity. Due to inactivity, I gained a lot of weight and was sick most of the time.
Every day was a struggle to do any normal task or activity. As a mother I could not participate in actively spending time with my teen-age daughter because I did not have the energy. I could never predict when I would collapse and have to stop and rest. Planning ahead for working, shopping, preparing meals, doing housework or just visiting was impossible.
Besides being limited to doing only one major activity in a day Cheap Fabio Borini Jersey , I needed to sleep at least 16 hours, take naps and I still felt tired most of the time.
A Welcome Invitation to Restored Health
In September, 2002, an old friend told me about glyconutrition. After thoroughly researching this revolutionary new nutritional supplement, I decided to try it. In less than 6 months, both my fatigue and sensitivity to heat had disappeared. Since then Cheap Davide Calabria Jersey , I've been filled with boundless energy and vitality and can do all the things that I missed out on for all those years. I've also lost around 55 lbs. and I'm vibrantly healthy. For the past 18 months, I've seen my doctor only for routine check-ups.
A New Life of Vitality and Wellness
Over the past two years, I've heard several hundred stories very similar to mine from people who've used these amazing supplements. I'm fully convinced at this point that anyone who takes enough of them for a long enough period of time (several months for some people) will enjoy a marked improvement in their level of health and wellness. I will continue to take these supplements daily to preserve and maintain my health and wellness.
How to Share in this Gift of Wellness
Now, I wonder whether you--or anyone you know--might be interested in learning more about these glyconutritional products. If you're like me (and most people I know), you're probably thinking "this sounds way too good to be true." Well, I can tell you for sure that Cheap Cristian Zapata Jersey , for me, it has turned out, instead, to be something "much too good to miss."
I believe strongly that anyone who does a thorough investigation of these products, along with their scientific underpinnings, will recognize that they are entirely different from any other type of nutritional supplement. Further--for whatever it's worth--I believe that if you give them an honest try Cheap Carlos Bacca Jersey , your health and your life--like mine--will be changed in some very wonderful ways. I predict, further, that--just like me--you'll want to share this wondrous gift with everyone who will listen. For me, this has become a new and very satisfying life mission.
If you'd like to learn more, I invite you to click on the URL below, where you will be able to get a free Cheap Antonio Donnarumma Jersey , 35-page e-book entitled "The Ten Deadly Health Myths of the 21st Century." This highly informative book provides a great deal of additional information about glyconutrition and wellness in general. You will also be able to learn about a number of different glyconutritional products.
If you accept my invitation, I hope that your healing journey will be as exciting and as fulfilling as mine has been.
Mildred Shears 218-482-5287 mshears@ (NOTE TO EDITORS: This article may be edited for publication in your newsletter or on your website but must include the author's name and a live link.) What do you recall about your childhood? I don't remember much about mine. Snatches of this, hints of that. I am fifty-two. My sister is a year and a half older. When we talk about "those magical childhood days," we often find that we remember them quite differently (including who was Mom's favorite). Who's right? Seems to me that I am. She always pulls the "age card." "You're too young to remember." It can really make me angry. Problem is, she is probably right--at least in some cases. Childhood memory is a bit of a mystery, or maybe I should say Cheap Andrea Poli Jersey , forgetting of childhood events is the real mystery.
There is a name for this forgetting phenomenon. It is usually termed childhood amnesia. It appears to be a robust effect that is well established [J.M. Fitzgerald, A Developmental Account of Early Childhood Amnesia. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 152(2)]. It appears that the period of childhood amnesia extends from birth to age three or four--sometimes its can even extend to age 6 or 7. Referring to that time period at a later age, children and adults do show the "snatches" of memory that I have experienced, but they seem to take all of the "snatches" and "snippets" and form a "conglomerate memory" blending many things together and embellishing and subtracting from actual events-- as adults present at the time of the original event occurrence can attest.